Friday 1 February 2013

(vii) Brunei reflections

My thoughts on leaving Brunei. A Sultan state, alcohol free. Death penalty for drug importation. Iced coffees drunk in cafes in the early hours. Gentle patter of conversation. Unsurprisingly a lack of Aussie, Brit and Irish travellers drinking their body weight of chilled cappuccino.

Brunesians are the friendliest people. Warm greetings offered on the street. Not once did I feel uncertain or concerned. The greatest reflection is driving. Fuel is, unsurprisingly, cheap. But Brunei suffers little of the showmanship of Dubai. Some expensive cars purr the streets, but drivers are courteous, mooching gently to destination and genteelly giving way to others. Many a car stopped and offered spare seats to those awaiting buses. Uncertain if they were acquainted to their new passengers.

Brunei's alcohol and drug laws may seem draconian, but their streets lack beggars, their stores go without shop lifters and their streets are places of contentment.

Time to board the boat to Kota Kinabalu. Hope there're some Aussies to have a beer with.

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